
Dr. Energy Saver Delaware is Featured in ShoreWoman Magazine

Milton, DE - Dr. Energy Saver&reg not only makes homes more comfortable for homeowners, but also makes each home a healthier place to live. David Lawson, an energy expert at Dr. Energy Saver, will be featured in the August issue of ShoreWoman Magazine for his insight and testimony to Dr. Energy Saver's worthwhile home improvements.

Being featured in this magazine is a great way to showcase what Dr. Energy Saver can do for a home. These experts enter the home, suggest ways to save money and energy, make a home more comfortable all year round, and make your home a healthier place.

Lawson's family suffered from severe allergies, even to the point of getting shots and taking medication each day. With the help of Dr. Energy Saver, his home was made into a healthier place to live. Here, he describes his experience, "After performing some of the recommended upgrades, our home is more comfortable and has less dust, but more importantly, since the upgrades, none of us has needed to take allergy medication."

Dr. Energy Saver may be the solution to a family's energy struggles. With the help of Dr. Energy Saver, a home can be sealed up and transformed into a clean and healthy living environment all year round.

About ShoreWoman Magazine

ShoreWoman magazine started in 2007 and is published monthly for families. It has a local focus, but still discusses relevant issues like home and garden, family issues, career advice, health, beauty, and news. ShoreWoman magazine features articles that are beneficial to their readers, and as the August issue will contain an article about Dr. Energy Saver, it must be something worth looking into!

About Dr. Energy Saver Delaware

Dr. Energy Saver Delaware is an energy savings company that specializes in making homes more energy efficient and comfortable.

Looking for a way to improve a home's energy efficiency and comfort, Dr. Energy Saver Delaware is the place to call. Schedule a home energy audit in Dover and surrounding locations!

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We serve the following areas

MarylandDelaware Our Locations:

Lawson Home Services
115 Atlantic Avenue
Milton, DE 19968
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