This homeowner in Wilmington, DE was struggling with their knee wall spaces in their home. A knee wall space is created when a finished room is built within a sloped roof. Air leaks the outside leaks into the knee wall from the rafters, which then leaks into the home. This makes the knee wall extremely hot in the summer, cold in the winter and not suitable for storage.
To help relieve this homeowners concerns, Dr. Energy Saver has installed SilverGlo into the knee wall. SilverGlo prevents any air leaking in or out of the knee wall. The results are lower utility costs, the knee wall can be used for storage and the rooms surrounding the knee wall are more comfortable.
Now the homeowners can rest easy in their comfortable home!
Inside the Kneewall
A knee wall space is created when a finished room is built within a sloped roof so it creates a triangular shape.
Preparing for the SilverGlo
The production crew has begun removing the old insulation in preparation for the installation of the SilverGlo.
SilverGlo Installation
The production crew has begun installing the SilverGlo along the walls of the knee wall space.
The Finished Product
Finally, the SilverGlo has been installed! Now no more air can leak in or out of the crawl space. The results are more comfortable rooms surrounding the crawlspace, the knee wall can now be used for storage as well as it lowers utility costs.