Furnace Replacement in Crisfield, MD
This old-fashioned furnace in Crisfield, MD can probably heat half of a room: not very energy efficient. As a homeowner it is important to upgrade your HVAC system and keep your home insulated in order to keep your whole home warm, and not just one room. Dr. Energy Saver can help you do this.
Door Air Sealing in Crisfield, MD
Cracked and Creaky = Thin and Leaky. This old-time door has a great antique look, and it also is antique in its energy efficiency. This door is not air tight at all and is made of a thin type of wood that would never stop any heat from passing through. It can be a huge step in your home to air seal all of the outdoor doors and windows.
Crisfield, MD Water Heater Needs Update
This home's water heating system is dated wayyy back. This system is extremely inefficient and is a major cause of energy loss is the home. With an upgrading water heater, you could save water and energy!