Our Fully Stocked Trailer
Here the crew is preparing to start this dense - pack cellulose job. They have brought plenty along to complete the task. The bags of insulation will be opened and the shredded cellulose will be fed into the blue machine pictured which will, with high pressure, blow the cellulose through the tube that carries it to it's destination.
Preparing for Installation
To dense - pack the cantilevers on this house the crew simply remove a couple of pieces of siding and lay them aside to expose the structure of the home.
Gaining Access to Joist Bays of Cantilever
The crew will cut a circular hole under 3" in diameter into each joist bay of the cantilever soffit. This will allow for the fill tube to enter the joist bay and blow in the cellulose.
Preparing to Dense Pack the Cellulose Insulation
A special mesh bag is inserted into each hole in the joist bays. Each bag will be filled with TruSoft cellulose insulation and pushed back towards the house. They do this one at a time, pushing the bag towards the back and then "dense packing" each cavity as they as they pull the hose back out.
Dense Packing Cantilever in Cambridge, MD
This is a shot of one of the Dr. Energy Saver Delmarva team members dense packing a cantilever in Cambridge, MD. The attachment at the end of the hose is assembled to a length that will reach to the end of the cantilever. This ensures that as the tube is slowly pulled out every bit of space in the cavity is filled in by the cellulose that is blown in at a high pressure.
Finishing Up a Cellulose Job in Cambridge, MD
The Dr. Energy Saver Delmarva Team has finished dense packing each joist bay in the cantilevers of this home. They have plugged all of the holes where they gained access to install the insulation and are now putting the siding back on the house.