Knee Walls That Need Insulation
During an inspection of this Queenstown, MD home the homeowners complained of comfort issues in this upstairs room. The room was always hot in the summer and cold in the winter. It was clear that these knee walls had little to no insulation behind them.

Gaining Access Inside the Knee Wall
To gain access inside of the knee wall the crew must first cut out an area large enough for the crew and equipment to get inside.

What's Inside?
Behind the wall the crew found that insulation had only been installed in the walls facing the room. There was no insulation installed in the areas that were directly exposed to the outside.

Soffits Not Sealed
Here you can see sunlight coming in from the outside where no sealing was done around the soffit. This leaves this area vulnerable to all kinds of issues.

Installing SilverGlo in a Knee Wall
The crew has installed SilverGlo foam board insulation on the walls that had none. Completed with sealing afterwards this upstairs room will be more comfortable and now require less effort to heat and cool it.

Framing the Knee Wall Access
The Dr. Energy Saver Delmarva crew has now framed the access inside of the knee wall.

Creating an Access Panel for a Knee Wall
The crew has adhered a piece of plywood to the original piece of drywall that was cut out and have used molding to frame it.

New Access Panel to the Inside of a Knee Wall
The finished product! Attractively designed, this homeowner not only has a more comfortable room but now also has a conditioned storage area behind this access panel.