Before the Dr. Energy Saver Solution
This photo captures the attic before Dr. Energy Saver Delmarva began to cap the fiberglass insulation with TruSoft blown cellulose insulation.
Fiberglass Insulation
This photo captures the fiberglass insulation in this homeowner's attic. Fiberglass insulation does not block the flow of air in or out of the home, causing fiberglass to be useless.
Installing TruSoft Blown Cellulose Insulation
To install the TruSoft blown cellulose insulation, Dr. Energy Saver Delmarva uses a tube that extends from the machine blowing the insulation, to the attic. This creates a more efficient installation process as well as lesser of a mess.
Installing TruSoft Cellulose Insulation
The Dr. Energy Saver Delmarva team gas begun installing the TruSoft Cellulose Insulation into the attic.
The Finished Product
Dr. Energy Saver Delmarva had finished capping the TruSoft Blown Cellulose Insulation on top of the fiberglass.