Before & After

Radon Mitigation in Felton, DE 19943-5238

Living in Felton, Delaware, the Moore family prioritizes a healthy and happy home environment. Recently, they became concerned about the potential health risks associated with radon gas – a sneaky culprit that can seep into homes through cracks in the foundation. With indoor air quality being a top priority, they knew it was time to take action.

The Moores knew exactly who to call – Lawson Home Services. Renowned for their expertise in creating healthy living spaces, Lawson's team went above and beyond to address the Moore family's concerns. Following their initial contact, a friendly and knowledgeable team member from Lawson's visited the Moore residence for a comprehensive evaluation.

During the evaluation, the Lawson expert thoroughly examined the property and addressed all the Moores' questions. A crucial part of this process was a professional radon test. This simple test would determine if a radon mitigation system was necessary to safeguard the Moore family's long-term health.

Following the radon test, Lawson Home Services presented the Moores with a detailed and transparent report outlining the results. If a mitigation system was recommended, the report would provide a clear explanation and a free quote for the customized solution.

Lawson Home Services boasts a team of certified radon mitigation specialists – the best in the business! Impressed by Lawson's expertise, clear communication, and commitment to healthy living, the Moores confidently decided to proceed with the recommended mitigation system installation.

The Lawson radon installers arrived promptly and used meticulous methods and high-quality materials throughout the entire process. They ensured the customized radon mitigation system was perfectly tailored to the Moore family's home and its specific needs. Once the installation was complete, Lawson conducted a follow-up radon test to verify the system's effectiveness.

The results were fantastic! The post-installation radon test revealed a significant reduction in radon levels, providing the Moore family with immense peace of mind. Now, they can breathe easy, knowing their home is safe and their family's health is protected from the dangers of radon gas.

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We serve the following areas

MarylandDelaware Our Locations:

Lawson Home Services
115 Atlantic Avenue
Milton, DE 19968
Service Area
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